"Being healthy is a way of life.  It's not just about what you feed your body; it's about what you feed your mind and the social environment you keep."

~Dr. Steve Maraboli

Did you know that your Environment is EVERYTHING?

You’ve probably heard it before but what does that mean?  We're not talking about your closet (although I LOVE a good closet detox too).

When I talk about environment I am talking about where you are putting your energy.

Who you are surrounding yourself with, what kind of material are you reading, what blogs do you subscribe to, what kind of facebook groups are you in, who are you following on social media, what emails are coming into your inbox everyday?

This week, we are going to do some toleration detox around what you are choosing within your environment

What you will learn in this episode:

What self care REALLY means. 
Why we have a hard time releasing people that deplete our energy.
The first step you must take if you want to start living a life you really love. 
Practical steps on how to clean up your environment. 


Tools for the Tolerations Detox.

Join the 7 Secrets to Sustainable Success Challenge HERE.

Join Next Months's Morning Brew.  The call is FREE! I don't care if you're showered, have make-up on, you're sitting in traffic (hands-free, of course!) or still in bed. This is a judgment free zone! Just stop with the excuses already and JOIN.  We will be doing a deeper dive of what we are tolerating as women.  We meet the first Wednesday of every month at 7am CST.

Want tools and resources to help you stay CALM DURING COVID?  Join my 5 day micro course-totally free and totally ROBUST.  Receive 5 deep dive journaling prompts to help you process through uncertain times.