I can't think of a better time to release this episode than the New Year.  So many of us want to create beautiful things in this fresh season, yet we struggle with comparison, convincing ourselves that we don't have the right skill set to share our gifts.  Or we struggle with fear, believing that we aren't smart enough or qualified to share our opinions and our wisdom.  This doesn't move the needle forward on anything our hearts desire and it leaves us feeling hopeless, insecure and disappointed.

That's why this discussion with Susan Barber, Visibility Coach, author and podcaster is so imperative right now.

Susan and I chat about all things visibility whether it's being more visible in your marriage, friendships, community or corporation.  She has put together a simple  framework that people can use to begin being visible in their own style, and authenticity.  What I love about this dialogue is how honest and vulnerable Susan is with her own struggle to be visible.  I learned so much from this discussion and I have no doubt you will too.

Before listening consider:

Are you being visible in your relationships, in your communities, in your marriage?
Do you have a tendency to hide yourself, to placate and play small?
Do you find yourself constantly working, staying busy, and having a full calendar?
Do you find yourself battling imposter syndrome-thinking you’re not smart enough, good enough, need to know more before you speak up?
Do you doubt yourself and your capabilities?
Do you want to come out of your shell and play bigger this year?

Listen to Learn:

What visibility is
Why visibility matters
Why we sometimes struggle to be visible.
How to begin to release perfectionism so you can be visible in the way that you desire.
Simple tips to start being more visible and having a presence whether it's in the boardroom OR your life.

“Two words I have embraced for myself…imperfect action!” ~Susan Barber

“I never really knew how to trust myself. I didn't know how to trust that I was doing the right things, I would always wait for someone else to tell me.” ~Susan Barber

“The baby steps in between that actually get us from A to B.” ~Susan Barber

“Feedback can help you amplify your potential.”~Krista Resnick



The Visibility Book

The Visibility Factor Podcast