This time of year always brings up such conflicting feelings for me. There is the part of me that much like the leaves dying and falling from the trees, longs to surrender and let go of old patterns, behaviors and habits that are no longer serving me.

And then, there are the parts of me that want to dive into the harvest and move quickly.  To say YES to opportunities and experiences, and give and serve.  

What I have learned about boundary work is that it is deeply sacred.  It is the art of learning how to truly say YES to yourself.  Many of us were raised believing that boundaries and saying yes to yourself was selfish.  I'm here to say that it's not.  While I know this can rattle a lot of feathers and kick up a lot of dust, it is truth that you were made to claim the life that God has for you and it begins by paying attention to the parts of yourself that are worn out, exhausted, overwhelmed and resentful.  

Fall is a perfect reminder that it is good and healthy to let go of meeting the constant demands and requests of others and slowly and gently begin to place the focus on ourselves and our needs, dreams, desires and wishes.  Yes we were made to be in community and connection with others, which does present the confusion around how do I know when I've gone too far?  But it is when we start asking that very question-how do I know that i've gone too far, that we've probably gone too far.  Shame is often what drives us to put our feet on the gas pedal and keep going, placate, subordinate and people please.  

But before the world dumped it's shame on you-God said you were good.  He said you were designed in HIS image.  You are not broken, you are HIS and HE SAYS you are GOOD.  You are worth your best yes!  

Listen to Learn:

Why boundary work is sacred work
Why saying NO isn't always the way to set boundaries
Some powerful questions you can ask yourself to get clarity in this season of life. 
One of the beliefs that holds so many women back from saying YES to themselves and setting healthy boundaries.

"Saying yes to yourself is just as important to saying yes to everyone around you." ~Krista Resnick

"Saying yes to your own needs, desires, and ambitions is not selfish." ~Krista Resnick

"Boundary work is sacred work because we are saying yes to the deep desires of our heart."  ~Krista Resnick

"Saying yes to yourself is about staying connected to yourself." ~Krista Resnick

"Boundary work is not always about saying NO.  Often it is about what we are saying YES to.  It's about getting clear on saying yes to our values, our truth and our needs." ~Krista Resnick


Free to Be Workshop

Krista Resnick-Website