If you consider yourself well traveled, you might reconsider after meeting Megan Jerrard of Mapping Megan. Since 2007, the Australian journalist has visited over 50 countries – on all seven continents!

For Megan, though, it’s not about the numbers. From Myanmar to Tanzania (where she met her husband!), Megan strives to travel sustainably and fully immerse herself in the cultures she visits.

Over the last decade, Megan has been featured in publications like National Geographic, The New York Times, and Huffington Post. Megan’s influencer fame didn’t just fall into her lap, though. She put her energy into networking.

The Perlu team sat down with Megan to learn how networking and her own blog led to Megan’s popular status. In the interview, she also shares her thoughts on how influencer marketing will change in the coming years.