How to find leads? How to get traffic?

If I had $1 every time I heard these questions…

Everyone asks me that all the time - people at conferences I go to, entrepreneurs, guys in my text community… It’s wild! And I truly love it! Because that means people want to learn. Plus - they think that I have answers for them, which is great.

Because I do!

But first, I’d like to change the perspective slightly. Yes, you want to look for leads, and you need traffic. But I think the better question is how to find customers or potential customers. I don’t think you just want to get leads. But leads that will convert into customers? That’s a real thing! 

So in this episode, we're going to talk about a three-step traffic framework… and some frameworks within the framework. I’ve also prepared a little presentation with a ton of valuable info, so this could be called a mini-course - but this one is free!

Then, tune in and find out how to determine who your customers are, where to find them, and how to position your product or service to your market.

There are also a bunch of helpful tips within this overall framework, so let’s dive right in!

Key Takeaways:

I don't need to make money by coaching (00:00)How to get traffic? (03:16)Defining marketing terms - market, leads, lead gen… (06:50)Three-step traffic framework - Step #1 The Who (14:50)Segmenting target market (20:22)Four types of market segmentation (27:47)Three-step traffic framework - Step #2 Where are they? (35:26)Performance market makers (44:39)Three-step traffic framework - Step #3 Market positioning (48:53)Perceptual Map (53:26)Recap (59:46)

Additional Resources:

- Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

- Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


Connect with Eric!

- Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

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