Sachin Patel and Aron interview Natalie Morse about her practice, and some of the hard things about running a practice, including “entrepreneurial injuries.” Natalie’s key to success is recovery through sleep and self-care. They explore Natalie’s framework to attract new clients to her private Facebook Group, using Reels selected from clips of her weekly Facebook Live sessions in the Group. The first Reel she made had 3,000 views overnight and 250,000 views within a week, leading to 1,000 new members of her Facebook Group. Natalie explains how she moves the clients through her scalable system with a five-day diet challenge, leading up to a six-month health program. Natalie has fun with her engaging videos. A Reel has staying power and if it links to a Facebook Live video, that video continues to get views. Natalie mentions the automation software that saves time in the process

Listen in for coaching on setting up a framework to build your client base without paid advertising.


Key Takeaways:

[1:03] Sachin welcomes listeners to Perfect Practice. Sachin welcomes and introduces Natalie Morse, a mentor within the Perfect Practice community, and welcomes Aron, a practitioner.


[2:23] Natalie’s “why” is helping people get healthy from the inside out, with what they need, more than just a pill for an ill. Natalie is a national-level triathlete. She compares running her business to her sport. She keeps a training plan and a recovery plan.


[5:03] Sleep is an important part of recovery. Even a 20-minute nap during the day will help you. Wind down your activity for an hour as you prepare for sleep. Self-care is important, too.


[7:33] Aron used to train for Marathons and didn’t worry about recovery. Natalie recommends not training to the point of injury. Our bodies wear out if we don’t allow recovery. To recover from burning the candle at both ends takes time and patience.


[10:26] Natalie describes her entrepreneurial injury, a lack of creativity. If she has been pushing too hard, she can’t create and the ideas don’t come. Aron says his injury is feeling discouraged for too long when something doesn’t work. Sachin’s injury is procrastination due to perfectionism. Sachin consolidates the entrepreneurial injuries into a fear of success.


[15:49] Natalie shares her method for increasing her client base by 1,000. She posted a 25-second Reel a few weeks ago. It hit, and within a week, she had 1,000 new people requesting to join her Facebook community group.


[16:16] Natalie keeps learning. She tries new things and sometimes they work and she notices patterns. She tells how she came to make this video. She started with a Facebook Live in her private group on a hot topic, gall bladder, to answer questions that had been coming in. She had her assistant pull a clip from the video, using Canva.


[17:56] Natalie put in a call-to-action and published the video to Reels. She has been doing this for a while and she knows what plays with her audience. The call to action was to watch the full video on her Facebook Group. She went to bed on a Saturday night and overnight it had had 16,000 views with 250,000 views within a week.


[18:52] Sachin emphasizes that Natalie is special, but anyone can follow her framework and get results.

[19:27] Natalie’s Reels are in selfie mode. She has fun doing them. She does a mix of content styles so her audience won’t get bored. She tracks what content gets more engagement and followers. Sachin stresses to be real to who you are when you make a video. Find what works for you and have fun. Short-form content seems to hang around longer than longer videos.


[23:23] Sachin points out, you have a group that has come to watch your video because they have a specific problem, and you can keep them engaged by doing a webinar on the issue for them or a master class, add a call to action, such as a seven-day meal plan for the problem as a bonus gift for attending a live webinar until the end. Offer a supplement solution for purchase.


[24:55] Offer a way for people to work with you individually or in a group to solve their problems. You already have a solution and you are building the bridge to get them to it, delivering value along the way.


[25:28] The next thing on the calendar for Natalie is a Five-Day Challenge for all the new people in her private group to give them immediate wins while she builds the relationship over the next few months.


[25:55] If you can lead people to the reality that their symptoms are the last thing to show up and the first thing to go away, then they’re willing to go deeper with you. There’s more healing that needs to take place. It’s not just the end-stage symptoms you’re trying to get rid of, but working together you can go a lot deeper.


[27:03] Natalie’s challenge is about weight loss. People will lose some weight in five days, and she expects some of them will want to sign up for a full program for three months or six months.


[27:47] Aron remarks on Sachin’s entrepreneurial advice given in this episode and that he appreciates being here.


[29:56] Sachin asks you to consider what one 25-second Reel could mean to your business. Experiment to find out what’s resonating with people. You will find a captive audience with a problem and a scalable solution, such as a seven-day diet, a product, and a group commitment, to help them solve the problem and get better. You can be helping people while you sleep!


[31:09] Sachin shares a document on-screen about a five-day challenge. A client loses weight in a five-day challenge, but without the right support system, they will stop it because they don’t have a map, a guide, or a community. Sachin walks through the document. As you go through a challenge, walk the client through the next stages to get them climbing to the mountaintop.


[33:55] Natalie’s questions new members of her Facebook Group answer: 1.) “Would you like a copy of my free guide by email?”, 2.) “What are the top things you are looking for help with for your health?”, and 3.) “Would you like a call from a member of my team?” The answers go to Google Sheets via Group Leads and coordinate with ActiveCampaign.


[37:06] Natalie explains how she justifies paying for a specific software package like Group Leads. First is the time savings and solving other friction points in your business.


[38:45] Aron and Natalie discuss nurturing and building a relationship within a group. Her Virtual Assistant puts up helpful content in the Group every week. Natalie tries to go Live on the Facebook Group once a week. The Five-Day Challenge will be hosted in the group in a couple of weeks.


[40:45] Natalie tells of her process for sourcing a virtual assistant. One is a past client of her course! Another is a friend! They have learned together as they go. One VA has made a business out of it for herself. They have grown and blossomed through the process.


[43:16] Natalie tells what she will be presenting at Perfect Practice Live: how you create and use a lead magnet!


Mentioned in this episode

Perfect Practice Live

Natalie Morse

Genius Network

Facebook Groups

Facebook Reels



Google Sheets

Group Leads



More about today’s guest Natalie Morse

Natalie Morse is a pharmacist and functional medicine practitioner living in the southernmost part of Canada, Leamington, Ontario. She is the mom of two “tween-age” boys. Her happy place is the trails at Point Pelee National Park, or soaking up the warmth of the sun on a beach.


A former pharmacy owner, she now operates her business from her home office. She loves the midday sun breaks and meeting her sons when they get off the bus from school.


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More about your host Sachin Patel

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Books by Sachin Patel:

Perfect Practice: How to Build a Successful Functional Medical Business, Attract Your Ideal Patients, Serve Your Community and Get Paid What You’re Worth

The Motivation Molecule: The Biological Secrets To Eliminate Procrastination, Skyrocket Productivity, and Get Sh!t Done