Sachin Patel and Joanna Sapir take you through a framework that she uses with her clients to help them attract their dream clients. Joanna tells how she went from schoolteacher to gym owner, to practice adviser and coach. She developed her business knowledge into a system for growing a practice successfully and realized she could coach others to grow their practices.

There’s a big difference between selling clients a session and committing them to a program to meet their health goals. You don’t have to serve everyone, but you do want to serve the clients you can help get the best results. Joanna’s system helps you to move clients through five phases of sales to onboarding and she has advice on how to keep a client on board.

Listen in for encouraging advice on setting up your program for success.


Key Takeaways:

[1:03] Sachin welcomes listeners to Perfect Practice. Sachin introduces the conversation for today, about the framework Joanna Sapir uses with her practitioner clients to help them attract their dream clients who are committed to the care they are providing.


[1:33] Sachin welcomes Joanna to the episode. Joanna tells how she became a practice advisor and coach. It started with opening a gym and strength training center, with no business knowledge! So many practitioners want to help people but they don’t have a background in business. Joanna’s gym took off fast. She was also a single mom of two young kids at the time.


[3:50] Joanna had become sick from the stress so she decided to learn everything she could to build a sustainable business that she could sell and have exist in the community. It was a smooth transition from there to what Joanna does today, mentoring other practitioners to build their businesses. She helps practitioners to do what they do sustainably and profitably.


[6:59] Joanna assures the listener that you can serve your clients deeply, you can make enough money, and you can have time for your self-care and your families. It is possible with the right systems and structures in your business. Sachin tells how he shuts off entrepreneurship at 5:00 to focus on fatherhood for his son.


[8:29] Joanna teaches her clients:

You don’t need to work with everyone, just those who will benefit the most. When you know who your perfect clients are, design programs for them. Marketing and Sales are different and you need a process for each. Build a relationship and assess the needs through a sales process so you can direct them into the right program.


[11:52] Joanna discusses the scarcity mindset that motivates practitioners to take on clients for the money that are not good fits. There’s also a sense of worth and love from being needed and helping people. Instead of trying to serve everyone, think of your three clients that got the best results and look for the patterns. When you’ve had many clients, check the data for patterns.


[14:51] Sachin shares an exercise from Frank Kern: If you only got paid when your ideal client got a result, and not before, how would you choose the client selection process? The better results we get for people, the more confidence and certainty we have.


[18:13] A program is a commitment to take a journey together, not deciding on one session at a time. It changes so much about the energy. It’s how you serve your clients more deeply. Joanna tells how she helps practitioners design programs. Reframe it as a journey to reach goals, not a package of sessions.


[22:22] How does a practitioner know what programs to offer? Joanna explains how to offer different modalities for clients, but to start with one program for that one ideal client. One-on-one, there is always room for flexibility as they go. Design the program for what they need and develop the marketing and sales systems after that.


[24:45] How do you get a program payment from someone who is used to paying for one session at a time? The key piece is the sales system with an in-depth consultation, including an assessment. In a program, the payment happens, so the people show up and do what they’re supposed to do!


[31:12] Sachin makes the argument for why case fees or program fees are the way to go for practitioners. He compares it to an all-inclusive tour or roofing a home. You pay once and you don’t worry about paying every day. A program can be a one-on-one or a group program.


[32:59] Joanna explains how marketing and sales differ. There is more to business than marketing. Marketing gets attention. Sales is the invitation to have a conversation about working together to meet goals.


[36:33] Joanna outlines her five-stage sales system for brick-and-mortar practitioners. It’s critical to go layers deep to find underlying goals and build a relationship. If they’re a good fit for you, you will have high conversion rates in the process.


[40:55] Joanna has her clients design an onboarding process with multiple touchpoints. It looks different, practice to practice. Onboarding transfers into Client Experience and Client Results including help between sessions. Sachin talks about heading off buyers’ remorse and cites Joey Coleman’s book, Never Lose a Customer Again.


[44:04] Follow Joanna on her podcast, and check out her free Masterclass link below for Perfect Practice listeners.


[45:39] Joanna’s last thoughts: Make it a win-win with this system!


Mentioned in this episode

Perfect Practice Live

Joanna Sapir

Frank Kern

Never Lose a Customer Again: Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days, by Joey Coleman


More about today’s guest Joanna Sapir

My calling has always been to teach. I have a Master’s Degree in Teaching and I was a high school teacher and teacher-educator for a decade.


I founded, grew, and eventually sold a brick-and-mortar athletic training and wellness coaching business. That's where I first earned my business chops.


Through multiple careers and phases of life, my purpose has always been the same: to help other people become agents of change in their own lives and the world.

I work with practitioners that love helping their clients get real results, are excited by their work and are seeking actionable steps and proven processes to increase their income and impact now. I will help you each step of the way in developing a plan — from choosing your pricing and membership models, to marketing language, to a sales process for getting new clients.


Podcast: The Business (R)evolution for Practitioners

Website: FREE masterclass for listeners!

On LinkedIn: Joanna Sapir


More about your host Sachin Patel

How to speak with Sachin

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Books by Sachin Patel:

Perfect Practice: How to Build a Successful Functional Medical Business, Attract Your Ideal Patients, Serve Your Community and Get Paid What You’re Worth

The Motivation Molecule: The Biological Secrets To Eliminate Procrastination, Skyrocket Productivity, and Get Sh!t Done