Sachin Patel and Dr. David Bennett discuss the whys and hows of short-form video, including where to view it, how to plan your content, what equipment you need and accessories you may want, how to edit the video, and where to upload it.

Dr. Bennett’s first TikTok video went viral. Now he has millions of viewers, which translates into organic growth in his practice. He gives practical advice for getting started, and he offers a course for practitioners who want to create short-form videos effectively. Sign up for the course from the link below and he will include a 30-minute consult with you to start you on solid footing.


Key Takeaways:

[1:02] Sachin welcomes listeners to today’s episode with his friend, Dr. David Bennett. Sachin and Dr. Bennett graduated in the same class in chiropractic school. Dr. Bennett is a part of the Perfect Practice mentorship and a Council member who advises other practitioners.


[1:30] Recently, Dr. Bennett embarked on a journey to learn and master short-form video. He started with TikTok videos and has had millions of views, generating additional income for him. Do you have to dance or sing for your short-form video to take off? Dancing and singing are optional!


[2:32] Don’t put detailed explanations into a short-form video. People have short attention spans. Hook people in the first few seconds so they will watch to the end of your short-form video. Dr. Bennett was inspired to try TikTok after listening to a webinar on reach. His first video went viral, with five million views! He realized the short-form video was a “must” to get such a reach.


[6:56] After putting up short-form videos for six to nine months, Dr. Bennett started seeing an impact on his bottom line. You are turning an audience of people who have no idea who you are into a following of people who know, like, and trust you through your videos. The platform tells your followers when you add a new video.


[8:54] Dr. Bennett keeps a notebook to write down blurbs for video. One blurb makes one short-form video. Grab your phone, film it, and you’re ready to go.


[12:13] Don’t worry about the numbers; they’ll come. You sort of start chasing the numbers, the likes, the follows, versus “Hey, I want to get this information out there to somebody who wants to hear it.” Pay attention to the comments when they start coming in and reply to them. On some platforms, you can film your reply to the commenter.


[13:49] Dr. Bennett shares his short-form video work process and the video editing software he uses. He pushes the video from his phone to each platform instead of sharing it from TikTok, so he doesn’t get a TikTok watermark on his Facebook video. The platforms are making it easier for you to get your message out.


[15:13] Dr. Bennett’s first video was done “as a whim.” showing a model of five pounds of fat. It got 200K comments. Dr. Bennett has just crossed 200K followers on TikTok. Some followers have signed up for his programs.


[16:23] Dr. Bennett shares view statistics from January 1 to March 1. His videos on TikTok received 4.6 million views. His profile views for the 60 days were 203K. His bio is a LinkTree link. Those click-throughs increased Dr. Bennett’s Lead Magnet signups by over 1,500% from the prior 60 days.


[18:28] Dr. Bennett just experienced a drastic drop in views. TikTok had basically closed off his audience. But those who had clicked through and signed up for Lead Magnet were on his mailing list. The key to organic growth is taking viewers from the platform and moving them to your list.


[20:39] Dr. Bennett used to run an ad on social media to get clicks to Lead Magnet. He has dropped the ads because he gets better success organically from TikTok.


[21:42] Sachin advises you to get a good book on a topic in which they are experts, go chapter by chapter, and pick up factoids that blow your mind to share, with due credit, in the short-form video.


[22:50] Short-form video is no more technical than using your phone to take a video of your kids. It doesn’t have to be perfect, with perfect lighting. You can be careful about reflection off your glasses, but Dr. Bennett doesn’t worry about that anymore. The content is the key. One video can lead to many more related videos due to audience response.


[25:17] Dr. Bennett doesn’t write copy to put on the platform for his short-form videos. He would rather viewers click on his LinkTree than click to get a description of the video. He does include the right hashtags for the algorithm to categorize the video and push it to the right audience. For some of his videos, he writes a script with keywords, just for his use.


[27:38] Dr. Bennett developed a five-module course of video training. He shares a tip from it: go get a username on every social platform, even if you don’t use it. You want to have the same username across as many platforms as possible. Each of the five modules of his video training should take you less than an hour to do. Each video is under 10 minutes.


[32:45] Should you keep a personal TikTok account separate from your business account? Dr. Bennett shares his suggestion. He also points out that business accounts have more analytics.


[34:48] As a listener of Perfect Practice, when you sign up for the five video training modules at, Dr. Bennett offers you a one-on-one 30-minute consult at no extra cost. (Don’t click the option for the one-on-one consult; Dr. Bennett will know you’re a listener from the link in this text).


[35:41] Sachin wants to know what you should do if you have multiple contributors to a business channel? It varies. Limit who can post on your business page. Sachin is excited to take the video training modules and open his TikTok account! He encourages all of you practitioners to do the same!


[38:21] Dr. Bennett advises you to start going on the social platforms and look at the options, Reels on Facebook and Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts.


Mentioned in this episode

Perfect Practice Live

David Bennett, CFMP

Metabolic Body Reset








Izabella Wentz’s book on Thyroid Disease

Dr. Datis Kharrazian’s book on Thyroid Disease




More about today’s guest Dr. David Bennett

Learn how Dr. David Bennett is successfully using short-form video to successfully share his message. Dave has had over 4.5 million video views and literally thousands of personal messages flooding his inbox. He has also put together a special training to share with you exactly how you can do it as well. Register at this link and get a 30-minute coaching session with Dave to jumpstart your


On LinkedIn: David Bennett, CFMP
On TikTok: David Bennett Metabolic Body Reset

On Facebook: David Bennett Metabolic Body Reset

On Instagram: David Bennett Metabolic Body Reset

On YouTube Shorts: David Bennett Metabolic Body Reset

On LinkTree: David Bennett Metabolic Body Reset


More about your host Sachin Patel

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Books by Sachin Patel:

Perfect Practice: How to Build a Successful Functional Medical Business, Attract Your Ideal Patients, Serve Your Community and Get Paid What You’re Worth

The Motivation Molecule: The Biological Secrets To Eliminate Procrastination, Skyrocket Productivity, and Get Sh!t Done