Sachin Patel interviews Vikram Raya, M.D. about his polymath career, starting as a cardiologist, then a functional medicine practitioner, and much more. From his childhood, Dr. Raya was determined to master financial freedom. He is passionate about sharing his successes with the listeners, and how they can arrange for their increased success. Scaling your practice or other business requires an online component, at least, and Dr. Raya shares how you can start to build that component. Listen in for suggestions of role models for your Council of Nine Master Mind members to help steer your business choices.


Key Takeaways:

[1:03] Sachin welcomes listeners to Perfect Practice. Sachin welcomes and introduces Dr. Vikram Raya, M.D.


[1:47] Dr. Raya is a cardiologist who is trained in and practices functional medicine. He speaks internationally and is a high-performance coach and a real estate expert. He founded Vitology and is the CEO of Viking Capital Investments and has built a real estate portfolio. He wants to share some of the insights he’s gleaned from starting these companies.


[4:26] Dr. Raya has experienced a transformation from cardiologist and functional medicine practitioner to his coach and investor. He explains how he changed his identity from an M.D. to an entrepreneur. He looked for the golden thread that connects everything he was doing. From there he wanted to uplevel everything he touched.


[6:40] Things that happen can be a curse or a blessing, depending on your perspective. Practitioners saw COVID-19 as an opportunity to pivot. Sometimes your dreams are not your destiny. It’s OK to put things on hold, transform, and embrace a new identity.


[8:45] When he was a child, Dr. Raya’s parents worked very hard but argued frequently over money. This gave Dr. Raya a desire to master wealth for the peace of mind he believed it would provide. He cites five freedoms: financial, time, location, vitality, and mindset.


[10:49] Where in the financial freedom sector are you? Are you trying to get by or have you created legacy wealth and are trying to figure out how to solve world problems? Where are you in the time, location, vitality, and mindset sectors? Dr. Raya discusses each sector, with mindset being one of the most important. When you reach self-actualization, you have joy.


[14:21] Dr. Raya compares the happiness he felt after he pivoted from his practice to real estate investing and coaching. He wants to be location-free. He likes the Easy, Lucrative, and Fun (ELF) concept that shows you are in “flow.” Sachin remembers advising Dr. Raya, when they first met, to go after his calling. It took courage for Dr. Raya to do so.


[16:46] Dr. Raya’s parents and wife were questioning but supportive. Dr. Raya’s colleagues were more concerned than anyone else with the direction he was choosing.


[17:54] Dr. Raya suggests creating an imaginary or actual council of nine people, past or present, who can “whisper in your ear.” This is based on Napoleon Hill’s mastermind concept. Your inner guidance speaks. Dr. Raya shares who is on his virtual council. He likes their multidisciplinary dynamic. The golden thread is that they are polymaths.


[23:11] Once you reach a certain threshold in one area and create teams based on the current concept, you can go after a secondary pursuit. Dr. Raya tells how. If you want to scale your practice, you have to know what steps to take. Some business practices are universal.


[26:01] Sachin had such fun cutting hair as a teen that his mother feared he would become a barber. It came naturally to him but he had other goals.


[27:22] Dr. Raya suggests starting complementary businesses at first before changing fields, entirely.


[28:29] Dr. Raya’s goal is to spend his drive completely before he dies. Everything he’s doing is social, not solo. What drives him is adding income, value, and impact. Dr. Raya is a Double Comma Club member, earning over seven figures online.


[31:35] Tips for going online: 1.) Get absolute clarity on your desired outcome. 2.) Know the specifics of your “why.” 3.) Create that massive action plan and go after it. The action plan can be to stay brick and mortar, to go hybrid, or to go fully online. If you want scalability, you want to be online. If you want to be in the room with the client, then use a hybrid approach.


[33:09] If you decide to go online, find a mentor who can help you transition to an online business. Create your content for your patient or client to learn from. Add systems and automation and build a team to do the rest. Then start lead generation.


[33:57] Dr. Raya reveals the six main ways to get leads in two methods: linear and compound. Linear includes paid media, earned media, email list, manual outbound, and affiliates. The compound method is word-of-mouth referrals from raving fan clients.


[35:14] Ask three questions: 1.) If I charged 10X my price, what value would I have to deliver to the client to justify it? 2.) If I had to decrease my price to 1/10, but improve the product, what could I do to facilitate profitability? 3.) If I could just get one customer to be my advocate, what experience do I need to create so they would do it? Focus on value, profit, and experience.


[36:46] If you only got paid from your client’s results, what type of client would you choose? You would be more selective!


[38:09] How the client feels about how they experience your offering is the value you provide.


[40:21] Vikram’s vision for the next few years is scaling up what he’s doing now and bringing health and wellness with it in terms of human optimization and ultimate vitality, combining health, wealth, and mindset.


Mentioned in this episode

Perfect Practice Live

Vitology Institute

Viking Capital Investments

Joe Polish

The Genius Network

Napoleon Hill

Mastermind Group

Jim Rohn

Leonardo da Vinci

Walter Isaacson

Elon Musk

Tony Robbins

Alex Formuzis

Naval Ravicant

Lebron James

Giannis Antetokounmpo

Lake Como

Sir Richard Branson

Dr. Mehmet Oz

Forbes Business Council

Two Comma Club Award

Frank Kern

Ritz Carlton

Four Seasons

Vikram Raya, M.D.

Mount Kilimanjaro

Oura Ring

Dave Asprey

Ben Greenfield


More about today’s guest Vikram Raya, M.D.

Vikram is a trained cardiologist and functional medicine physician. He is an international speaker, high-performance coach, and real estate expert. He founded Vitology, a cutting-edge institute that helped reverse cardiometabolic disease and optimize vitality. During his decade-long time as one of D.C.’s prominent cardiologists, he specialized in heart failure transplantation, preventive cardiology, heart catheterization, and pulmonary hypertension. He has been active in multifamily real estate since 2015 and is a Founding Partner and CEO of Viking Capital Investments. As a real estate private equity firm, Viking Capital is approaching 5,000 units and $600 Million of assets acquired. Vikram was elected into the Forbes Business Council and was Commemorated by U.S. Congressmen Tim Connolly and Don Beyer in the Congressional Record for Excellence in Entrepreneurship. He has helped high achievers, doctors, and other professionals around the world achieve ultimate vitality, financial abundance, and a bulletproof mindset through his coaching, Limitless MD. He recently gave a keynote lecture at the CNN Headquarters in Atlanta with Dr. Mehmet Oz on entrepreneurship. He also is the recipient of the prestigious Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business Award on Wall Street. Most recently, he's made the Inc 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies in the U.S. Follow Dr. Vikram's wonderful work at the links below:

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On LinkedIn:

Website for Limitless MD:

Website for Viking Capital:


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Books by Sachin Patel:

Perfect Practice: How to Build a Successful Functional Medical Business, Attract Your Ideal Patients, Serve Your Community and Get Paid What You’re Worth

The Motivation Molecule: The Biological Secrets To Eliminate Procrastination, Skyrocket Productivity, and Get Sh!t Done