Have you wondered how to maximize your impact in your community and in your world? Sachin Patel, Functional and Lifestyle Medicine Provider, speaker, and author, is laying out the basic principles for your personal and business expansion. Starting with your own values, priorities, and mindset, and leading into everyday decisions in your professional practice, from the words you choose to the understanding of money and how to invest it, this succulent episode opens the doors for the next learning and transformative opportunity: Perfect Practice Live. You can also have a perfect practice, boost your professional and personal life starting today!


Key Takeaways:

[1:22] Grab a notebook for this episode!

[4:20] Sachin’s philosophy of the universe.

[4:58] Give, grow, grow, give.

[6:12] Time should be invested, not spent.

[7:42] A small change can completely change your destination.

[16:45] Mentorship

[18:36] A successful practice needs knowledge, systems and development aligned.

[19:27] What is your biggest challenge right now?

[21:28] Mindset is your steering wheel.

[22:35] Scarcity vs Abundance Mindsets.

[24:23] Scarcity Mindset: - Me or others, - Lack of resources, - Life is unfair.

[25:45] Abundance Mindset: - Cooperation, - Gratitude

[26:44] Fractals: The math of the universe

[28:34] Video: Check fractals, patterns that repeat  continuously themselves.

[32:53] Change your words to change your life.

[39:38] Everything is vibrating, higher complexity equals to higher frequency.

[44:55] Our thoughts organize matter.

[47:45] Change your units in order to consider your new investments.

[52:10] Revenue minus expenses equals profit vs. effectiveness minus efficiency.

[55:07] Invitation to Perfect Practice Live: July 27th to 29th.

[59:10] Get personal and  practice development in Perfect Practice Live.

[1:03:40] Your Code is: PPLIVE18

[1:05:34] You attract exactly who you are.