Description: Sachin Patel welcomes Dr. Aron Choi, a specialist in visceral manipulation who explains how he runs his practice in this innovative field, creating not only a successful practice but bringing health back to many patients who, in most cases, have tried everything to treat digestive issues and can finally find the relief they were looking for.


Key Takeaways:

[1:21] How Dr. Choi got interested in Visceral Manipulation.

[2:46] Who will visit a visceral manipulation practitioner?

[4:08] How do people usually locate a visceral manipulation practitioner?

[7:13] Insurance coverage concerning visceral manipulation.

[10:08] Investment vs expense.

[13:40] Practitioners who are energetically challenged.

[16:32] Scarcity vs. abundance mindset.

[19:16] Dr. Choi’s growing practice.

[23:23] Communication and conversion training, sales education.

[28:30] Giving value to the services your health need.


Mentioned in this episode:

Dr. Aron Choi, What is Visceral Manipulation?

The Awkward Silence