Sachin Patel shares the six keys for a better living based on the concepts brought by Tony Robbins; these principles can be applied to your personal and professional life as well as to your patients’ progress. Certainty, variety, significance, loving connection, personal growth, and contribution — listen to this podcast and get ready-to-take-into-action tips to improve your life while helping and supporting the growth and progress of your patients


Key Takeaways:

[1:54] Certainty that you can be helped and supported on the healing journey

[3:44] Variety increases the likelihood of seeing progress.

[5:20] Significance — everyone likes to feel significant.

[7:11] A loving connection; stimulate human connections.

[8:27] Five love language test to enhance relationships

[9:18] Personal growth — move forward every day.

[11:07] Contribution — what are you doing for the greater good?


Mentioned in this episode:

Learn more about  Sachin Patel