Thank you for listening to Write On! Audio, the podcast for writers everywhere brought to you by Pen To Print

Today’s showcase is selected by historical novelist, Dan Cross.   Dan's first novel "Caesar of Mercenaries" was shortlisted for the 2018 Wilbur Smith adventure Writing Award and his second, "The Lioness of the Flame" was shortlisted for the same award in 2020.

You can find out more about Dan by visiting his website where you’ll find more about his writing, his author coaching work as The Open Book Editor and find links to his social media accounts.

The pieces you heard were

· "Weeds Unwilled" by Patsy Middleton read by Sally Walker-Taylor

· “The Circle of Grief” by Thomas Nixon read by Chris Gregory

· “Aberfan Angels” by Tammy Griffiths Palmer read by Sally Walker-Taylor

· “The Homecoming” by Raymond Miles read by Chris Gregory

· "Sonnet Number 1 of the year 2022" by Mary Walsh read by Sally Walker-Taylor

If you have been affected by any of the issues Dan discussed in this podcast  the link below has links to organisations in the UK  that can help with cost of living support along with other support organisations:

Join us next week for an interview with novelist Jessica Andrews

We’re always delighted to read your contributions so if you’d like to see your words in Write on! or hear them on this podcast please get in touch. Please submit to:

Thank you for listening to Write On! Audio. This edition has been presented by Tiffany Clare and produced by Chris Gregory. Write On! Audio is an Alternative Stories production for Pen To Print.