Thank you for listening to Write On! Audio, the podcast for writers everywhere brought to you by Pen To Print

Our January interview is with novelist, essayist, podcaster, teacher and short story writer Jessica Andrews.Jessica's debut novel Saltwater was published by Sceptre in 2019 and won the Portico Prize in 2020.  Her second novel Milk Teeth was published last year.  Jessica is a contributing editor at Elle Magazine and she writes for The Guardian and for BBC Radio 4 .  She teaches creative writing at City University London and co-presents the literary podcast Tender Buttons.

The interviewer is Pen to Print team member and Write On! Book Challenger,  Rebecca Seaton and she was speaking to Jessica alongside Write On! editor Madeleine White

Thank you to Jessica Andrews for being our first interview subject of 2023.  You can find out more about Jessica and her work by visiting her website at

And you can listen to the podcast that Jessica co-hosts, Tender Buttons here

Find out more about our interviewer Rebecca Seaton here

We’re always delighted to read your contributions so if you’d like to see your words in Write on! or hear them on this podcast please get in touch. 

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Thank you for listening to Write On! Audio. This edition has been presented by Tiffany Clare and produced by Chris Gregory. 

Write On! Audio is an Alternative Stories production for Pen To Print.