Thank you for listening to Write On! Audio, the podcast for writers everywhere brought to you by Pen To Print

In this edition we once again feature novelist  Louis de Bernières. If you enjoyed our interview with Louis back in September you 'll recall that he talked about the importance of music in his life.  With this in mind we asked Louis if he would be willing to share some of his songs with us and the podcast you're about to hear features three songs and some thoughts from Louis on the song writing process

The songs you can hear in this podcast are

River Water, Your Little Paradise and Foxes in the Park all written and performed by Louis de Bernières

You can find out more about Louis’s writing and music and buy a copy of his latest album “Dispatches” via his website

The songs in todays podcast were recorded by David Booth at Louis’s home and mixed at his studio The Recording Booth in Framlingham, Suffolk

We’re always delighted to read your contributions so if you’d like to see your words in Write on! or hear them on this podcast please get in touch. Please submit to:

Thank you for listening to Write On! Audio. This edition has been presented by Tiffany Clare and produced by Chris Gregory. Write On! Audio is an Alternative Stories production for Pen To Print.