Welcome to the Peaceful Power Podcast. I'm your host Andrea Claassen and today I have Chuck Turner of the Movement Lab.

A little background on Chuck- I actually met Chuck at the private training facility we both train clients from. I respect his training and thought he would be a great person to have on the show. Little did I know he is full of nuggets and surprises. We chat about why he believes adults don't need structured shoes & should be in more minimal shoes. As well as a surprising nugget at the end of the interview on why he doesn't believe in using pillows to sleep on. I hope you have as much fun digging into this interview as I had chatting with Chuck.

To connect with Chuck you can find him over at http://movement-lab.com/ & on instagram @iamchuckturner.

You can find Andrea over on andreaclaassen.com & over on instagram @andreaclaassen21