In our conversation he shared

the insight that made him change direction in his business and what it took to make the transition.
he explains what he means when he talks about ROI (it's not what you might think), and
why running a mastermind is worth considering if you want to grow your business.

As always, if there is a topic you’d love me to talk about, or know someone who’d be a great guest, or you’d love to be a guest yourself get in touch, leave a comment below, contact me via email or social media. I’d love to hear from you!

Meet Ronan Leonard, the Mastemind Guy

Most experts make the mistake of picking just one mode to deliver their expertise through. Accountants make money through accounting. Trainers make money from training. Chef’s cook. You get the picture.

The secret to becoming a niche leader and having more revenue, is to diversify how you deliver what you do.

Ronan helps self-employed professionals who don’t earn enough revenue from their vast expertise to identify and package up the most valuable part of their expertise and create a whole new revenue stream.

Ronan loves seeing the benefits that Mastermind groups have on both the instructors and participants and has helped 100’s of business owners increase authority, revenue and expertise.

In his spare time he enjoys red wine and playing poker (but not at the same time 🙂

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Get in touch with Ronan

Website is and you can also find him on 



Recent Shows he's appeared on:–Ep-49-e3gv2k

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