We talked about

the sense of culture shock and intimidation she felt going to a networking event after 12 years at home

the magic that can happen when you connect with other people

getting that first job that got her back in – a lesson in being open to opportunities

how she is going with the flow to build her business

.. and a lot more.


You'll hear me say “fascinating” a lot because Lisa's story is a great example of what's possible when you don't overthink stuff.

Meet Lisa Fenton - Helping women re-enter the workforce

Lisa Fenton is a Certified Supply Chain Management Professional(CSCMP), Supply Chain Manager and an advocate of championing women back to work with a focus on negotiating beyond salary.

Being a stay at home mom of 12 years meant a challenging journey back to the workforce.

Combining the problem solving steps from the purchasing courses with a personal gap analysis equaled a successful game plan and re-entry to the workforce.

She is championing women to Be Focused/Be Valuable and Find their Possibilities by sharing these strategies at speaking engagements, podcasts, blogs, interviews, writing articles and creating a workbook.

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Get in touch with Lisa

Her website: https://propelledbypossibility.com/

Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisafentoncscmp/

As always, if there is a topic you’d love me to talk about, or know someone who’d be a great guest, or you’d love to be a guest yourself get in touch, leave a comment below, contact me via email or social media. I’d love to hear from you!

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