Episode 140 - Ask Me Anything - Listeners Questions Answered

Questions sent in by listeners. There were some really great questions asked in this episode – ones that most people can relate to. 

The answers to these questions are a starting point. We will often get stuck in a situation and not know how to do something different. The answers to these questions are a starting point for you to begin thinking differently about your circumstances. 

Questions asked in this episode:

1.      My adult children are exhausting and I don’t know if I want to choose to be around them.

2.      I don’t keep my word to myself. 

3.      My sister-in-law is mean to me and I don’t know how to let go of what she says and not let it bother me. 

If you would like to submit a question to be answered on the podcast, CLICK HERE


The Difficult Conversation Guide

In this guide, I’ll help you know what to do before, during, and after the conversation. You’ll also learn some amazing, and easy to learn emotional management skills that you can use long after this conversation is over. 

Click here to download:

Have a difficult conversation with your husband

Tina Gosney is a certified life and relationship coach. She helps her clients move past contention in their homes and move into connection. It all begins with you and that's the best news ever, because that's the only person you have control over. You can be the person who directs your family to a new way of relating.

Tina is a positivity practitioner and a trauma informed coach.
Visit tinagosney.com for more information