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As our kids head back to school,this episode gives some tips and tricks to make this time of year a little less stressful and little more connecting with our kids.

To help with the stress associated with back to school, try these things:
1. Prep - give them as much information as you know - what will drop off/pick up look like? Who is their teacher? What will their classroom look like? What is their schedule for the day?
2. Forecast - Forecast different scenarios - what's it going to be like to see your friends? What might you say to them? Which parts are making you the most nervous? What will you do if you disagree with your teacher?
3. Follow-up - Talk through their day. Compare how they were feeling about things with how it actually went and help them make those connections.

Give your kids as much control as possible going back to school - let them wear what they want, take the lunch they want, etc.

Above all else, validate their feelings of anxiety, fear, and excitement and help them work through those big feelings in a healthy way!

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