I asked what questions you had and you left all sorts of fun questions on the blog! So today I'm sharing the longest podcast yet, answering whatever you guys were wondering about. In todays' podcast you'll hear about getting back on track after the holidays, cleaning products, breast augmentation, how to stay organized, plateaus in CrossFit or overall fitness, sugar, and really anything else you guys thought up!!

One thing I had many people ask was how I created recipes, how I learned to manage different flours, and how I come up with content regularly. So instead of answering that question in this long podcast, I thought I would do an entire podcast about that! So if you have any questions related to content on a blog or whatever else, let me know and I'll be happy to answer them next week on the podcast!

And apologies if I missed your question! Sometimes I miss something on my end when I'm sorting through all the questions. But if I did miss yours and you'd like it answered, please just leave that question below and I'll answer you ASAP! Thank you guys so much for asking so many awesome questions, it really made for a fun podcast!!

Links from episode:

Paleo Meal Plans
Before and After Photos (and what changes I made at those stages)
My Weight Loss Journey Over 3 Years
Conquering My Acne
My Skincare Routine (Acne, Lasers, Dermaplane and More!)
My Experience with Microblading (aka permanent makeup)
Gifts For Him, Her, The Home + Black Friday Favs
Cold Weather Activewear Must-Haves + Gift Ideas For The Gym Lover
CrossFit Endurance Articles
RomWod - To help you work on mobility and flexibility

Apologies if I missed your question! Feel free to leave any other questions you may have below and I'll be sure to answer them!

Episode 11 Transcription:

This is Juli Bauer from PaleOMG and you are listening to PaleOMG Uncensored.

Juli Bauer: Hey guys! How’s it going? What’cha up to? {woofing} Jackson {laughs} Oh man. I got in trouble the other week because I kept telling Jackson not to chew on his bone, and a lot of people didn’t like that because you couldn’t hear it; but I thought you could, ok, so stop getting mad at me. Man, I got a couple of angry comments on iTunes, and people were just annoyed; it’s like, unprofessional. Hello; hello. If you’ve ever met, read my blog, you know I’m 100% unprofessional. Whatever. But people; this, I feel like I have to apologize for myself, but thankfully I’ll go to other people’s podcasts, and the reviews there; the podcasts I really like, like My Favorite Murder, or even Serial or Sword and Scale, and you’ll read the negative comments, and you’re like; ok, at least other people are getting negative comments. It’s not just me.

But then you can’t respond to reviews, so this woman; Allison. Her name was Allison. She said that I complain about my supporters; and I’m not sure who I ever complained about. I think I complained about the people who talk about my weight on social media; I don’t consider those people “my supporters” because they’re talking sh*t about my weight. You know, trolls who are passing through. That’s what I consider those people. But I want to apologize for Allison; not that she’s listening to this podcast anymore, but I wanted to apologize to Allison that I came off that I was complaining about my supporters. That was not what I intended to.

So kind of how My Favorite Murder has corrections corner every time; which I think came out with a new episode today. Score! But, you know they have corrections corner. So I’ll just have apologies corner for the people that I piss off. Apologize, Allison, that was not my intention. God bless. Moving on.

I got a ton; like I asked people on the blog this week and in this last podcast that I did to just ask random questions. I’ve done this kind of podcast before, of just asking random stuff for people, and whatever questions you have. They could be about anything, and answering those,