I was recently asked multiple questions about how I come up with content on the website, how I stay creative with recipes, and how I keep it fresh. So I'm talking all about that today and answering many of your questions, as well!

And if you've been waiting for podcast episodes to be transcribed, you can read episodes 1-6 right now! Just click here to search the first six episodes. And I should have the next 6 transcribed in a week or so! Thank you for all your patience! Click here to check out all the previous podcasts and be sure to rate, review and subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher!

Episode 12 Transcription:

This is Juli Bauer from PaleOMG and you are listening to PaleOMG Uncensored.

Juli Bauer: Hey guys! How’s it going? What’s going on in the world of you right now? Hopefully, it’s warmer than it is in Colorado. Actually, it’s kind of warmed up today. I think it’s getting to like 55 degrees, but yesterday it was like; I don’t f*cking know, 10 degrees, meaning our gym was probably 4. Our gym was so cold. And we even have a heater that we turn on; but it gets so cold. After you’ve worked out, and if you stay there and coach, and your sweat cools and you become freezing; it’s just so cold. It’s just so cold in there. It gets you a little less excited to work out. But you know, you just f*cking push through. You just go. You just go.

Anyways; this week has been ultra fun because I had the stomach flu; and as you know, stomach flu is just a real f*cking good time. So Monday morning; I had to work at my gym for like 6 hours on Monday morning. Felt good; good to go, and I had to go pick up my dog from my husband. So I went and picked up the dog from his work, went back home. I reheated up some salmon that I’d made the night before, made a salad and ate that, and right away my stomach was like; nu-huh. Nah girl. I was like, that makes no sense. This food isn’t bad; I made the salmon the night before, I reheated it up in the oven. There’s nothing sketch about it. Why am I feeling this way? Maybe my stomach is just off.

So I just sat on the couch, and I had no energy. I was like, why am I feeling so lazy? Maybe because I was up at 5. I don’t know; I just feel so lazy and I don’t want to do anything, and my stomach is just grumbling. So I was like; ok, I’m just going to go to the gym. I don’t want to because I feel weird; I’m just going to go work out. I’m going to do it. And I took a Pepto-Bismol tablet or something like that. So I’m driving in the gym, and I’m like; this is a bad idea. Why did I do this? I should just turn around now, but now you’re halfway there; just go. So I get to the gym, I sit in the parking lot, and I’m on the armrest that’s between you and the passenger seat, and I’m just sitting there hunched over, thinking; ok, something’s going to happen here. I don’t know where it's going to happen, but something is going to f*cking happen. And whatever wants to come out of my body is going to, and I don’t want to be sitting in the gym trying to do a squat clean when that happens. No, no, no.

But you know what I had to do? I had to drive home in rush hour traffic, which isn’t much better. You know? Sitting in traffic. Ok, you’re going to be like; why the f*ck are you talking about this, and I hate you Juli, and I’m turning your podcast off. But, this one time, I got the stomach flu actually. I remember this in college. It was my friend’s 21st birthday, and I was in Greeley, and I; {laughs}. So I had one margarita when I was out to celebrate her 21st birthday, and I was like, I’m just not feeling right, so I’m going to keep going out with you but I’m not going to drink anymore. And then I was like; I’m going to go home tonight, not spend the night with you, but I’m going to go home because I just feel super weird. And I’m driving home, and there’s a DUI checkpoint, so it’s like a long line of cars, and I’m sitting there, and I’m like; “I’m going to throw up in my car. I’m going to throw up in my car,