Today on the podcast, I'm talking about portion control. And when I say portion control, I don't mean limiting your food or restricting your food options. I simply mean taking care of your body, feeding it the food it truly needs, and fueling it on a daily basis. Just a quick recap here of the things that helped me take control of my overeating behaviors:

Facing what was making me unhappy. Once I owned up to what was making me unhappy and why, I was able to get control of my emotional eating since I was trying to fill a void any longer.
Not telling myself I couldn't have something.
Listening to what my body was craving and what it didn't like.
Drinking a SH*T TON of water. I try to drink a gallon or more a day.
Eating on time, meaning not letting myself get ravenous which tends to lead to poor decisions.
Seeing food as fuel.

I think that's about it but I can't remember since I recorded this 20 minutes ago. You'll have to listen for the rest! And if you have any questions, leave them below!

Thank You to the PaleOMG Uncensored Sponsor:

Aaptiv is a fitness app that gives you custom workouts with the voice of an elite trainer and an amazing playlist, walking you through the class or workout or training session! They have unlimited workouts such as race training, ab workouts, spinning, strength training, and even more! I’ve been using it for stretching workouts after my CrossFit or Orange Theory classes! To get motivated or simply just get to stretching this 2017, try Aaptiv out for FREE for 30 days using the promo code PALEOMG. Sign up here and try it out for 30 days now!

Episode 26 Transcription!

Today’s podcast is brought to you by Aaptiv. Aaptiv is a fitness app that gives you custom workouts with the voice of an elite trainer and amazing playlist, walking you through the class, workout, or training session of your choice. They have unlimited workouts so you can do really whatever you have in mind; whether you’re training for a marathon, or you want to work on strength training, or you just want to do one-minute abs or one-minute arms. They have it all. I will be using the Aaptiv app this weekend, because I’m going to San Diego, so I’ll probably just workout in the hotel gym there, so I’m just going to flip on my headphones, turn on Aaptiv, and just try out a new workout. Just try something new. Because there are new workouts to try every single time. There’s really no excuse to not workout while on vacation; or really any time. Right now, because you have Aaptiv at your fingertips for free for 30 days. Jeeze, I almost couldn’t get that out!

So if you want to try out Aaptiv for free for 30 days, all you have to do is go to; that’s A-A-P-T-I-V. Use the promocode PaleOMG; and that’s all you have to do! Try the workouts; because honestly, excuses are for the birds. Whatever that means. Get after it, guys!

This is Juli Bauer from PaleOMG and you are listening to PaleOMG Uncensored.

1. Juli’s weekend review [2:45]
2. The Bachelor Finale update [8:10]
3. Juli’s experience with portion control [18:11]
4. Different bodies, different needs [29:38]
5. Listening to your body [33:31]
6. Big picture view [37:04]
7. Listener questions: Social gatherings [42:07]
8. Portion control in an office setting [45:01]
9. Increased cravings around that time of the month [46:13]
10. Portion control when you don’t feel full [48:46]
11. Eating slower [50:22]
12. Weighing your food [51:57]
13. Adjusting portions for workouts [54:46]
14. Food timing and intuitive eating [56:04]
15. Regulate the junk [1:00:01]
16. Levels of fullness [1:02:28]
17. Portioning sweets [1:04:15]
18. Timing food with workouts [1:05:43]
19. Protein amount [1:07:07]
20. Smaller dishes [1:08:19]
21. Snacking while traveling [1:09:32]

Juli Bauer: Just a reminder. PaleOMG Uncensored podcast is rated explicit, because we like to do naughty things around here. We, meaning me, like to use cuss words, and we like to talk about sexual content at ti...