Do you feel like you've made several financial mistakes like spending too much, not saving or investing enough, listening to poor financial advice, etc.? You're not alone! I've been there, too.

Although I’m now on my way to financial independence as a physician assistant / physician associate, I’ve made several financial mistakes in the past. There are many lessons to be learned from these, and I hope that you are able to learn some helpful information from my story so that you can avoid some of these mistakes and take the steps needed to help set yourself up for financial success on the way to financial independence!


Resource mentioned:

Mint Mobile referral link to try Mint and get a credit:


Are you just beginning your journey to financial independence and don't know where to start? Download your FREE copy of the PA the FI Way Beginner’s Workbook here!


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Keywords: financial mistakes, financial advisor, lifestyle creep, emergency fund, physician associate, physician assistant, physician assistant financial independence, physician associate financial independence, physician assistant finances, physician associate finances, physician assistant school, physician associate school, PA school, PA-S, PA-C, pre-PA, physician assistant student, physician associate student