Many physician associates / physician assistants believe several of these common myths about investing. If you believe these myths, you may feel overwhelmed, and may think that investing in the stock market is scary, hard, or complicated. These thoughts could make you feel paralyzed, which may delay you getting started with investing even more. Take a listen to learn more about investing so you feel confident and empowered to start your journey to financial independence today!



Book and Audiobook: The Simple Path to Wealth by J. L. Collins

Interested in starting your journey to financial independence? Start now by taking this workshop about the common financial pitfalls that most PAs make and what to do instead:

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Keywords: investing, index funds, index fund investing, stock market, physician associate, physician assistant, physician assistant financial independence, physician associate financial independence, physician assistant finances, physician associate finances, physician assistant school, physician associate school, PA school, PA-S, PA-C, pre-PA, physician assistant student, physician associate student