Building a great team is integral to any successful business. At some point in your career, you wont have the skills, time, or time to learn the skills necessary to get everything accomplished on your own. This is where having a great team comes in.


Cyd and Jillian will discuss the importance of having a team with different comparative advantages, some tips on how to build a team that is aligned and bought into your vision, and some creative ways to offer feedback to promising team members that may need a small course correction. There are many valuable takeaways in the episodes for both current and aspiring leaders.


What you'll hear in this episode:

[2:05] When did Jillian have the realization that she wasn’t going to make it big without a great team?

[5:12] How do you show up as a leader when you have a team member whose role you don’t fully comprehend or understand?

[11:48] 2 questions you can ask to help figure out if someone is a self-starter.

[13:42] What are some clear ah-hah moments you’ve had when you realize that your team is actually your greatest asset?

[16:10] Where do you recommend new managers start when taking over a team?

[21:00] Constructive phrases to use when giving feedback to a team member, both positive and negative.



*Submit your question to be answered on the podcast:


* Connect with me on IG @jilliantedesco


*Order your copy of my book, Owning the Wait, now!