Our episode today brings us a unique situation involving Jillian's experience from last year, where she encountered a notable failure in the realm of effective delegation. 


The significance of delegation cannot be overstated when it comes to the success of any leader. The process of delegation begins with the leader themselves, as they hold the key to its success within the organization.


Mastering delegation is not only beneficial for the leader but also essential for the growth of their team. By honing this skill, leaders open doors to improvement throughout their organizations.


What you'll hear in this episode:

[2:40] What are the key factors in effective delegation?

[4:30] Jillian shares a situation in which she failed as a leader to effectively delegate.

[7:55] The importance of clear communication in the delegation process.

[13:00] The importance of having and understanding trust in the delegation process.

[16:23] Having clarity in expectations as part of the delegation process.

[19:13] The importance of resourcing your team in the delegation process.

[24:55] The importance of accountability in the delegation process.

[27:42] The importance of support and feedback in the delegation process.


Link to Asana Training: https://www.thecreatorsattache.com/asana


Link to the Accountability episode: [Taking Full Ownership Series] What Is Accountability?

Link to the 5 whys episode: [Taking Full Ownership Series] Conflict Resolution: A No-Nonsense Approach


Submit your question to be answered on the podcast: https://www.jilliantedesco.co/podcast


Connect with me on IG @jilliantedesco


Order your copy of my book, Owning the Wait, now! jilliantedesco.co