Victoria Nieveen is an integrative and functional nutrition dietician who specializes in women's health and fertility. She helps women with absent or irregular cycles nourish their bodies and balance their hormones so that they can conceive.


Victoria not only sheds light on what HA is but also educates its diagnosis, the diverse impacts it can have, and the array of symptoms women may experience. She discusses the process of recovery, offering valuable insights and initial steps to regain hormonal balance, and emphasizes the importance of hope and confidence along the way. Victoria's guidance helps women embark on a path toward holistic well-being, embracing the possibility of a future filled with the joys of motherhood


What you'll hear in this episode:

[1:38] Victoria’s fertility journey with HA and PCOS.

[6:40] What is HA (hypothalamic amenorrhea)?

[12:15] Who is susceptible to getting HA, how do you actually get HA, and what are some of the recovery steps to work through HA?

[20:00] What is the importance of nervous system support in recovering from HA?

[24:45] The importance of reframing your mindset when recovering from HA.


Connect with Victoria: @flo.fertilitynutrition


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