Ever wondered how different types of sugar affect your body? We’ve got you covered! On today's episode, we’re diving deep into the sweet truth about sugars. We’re breaking down the differences between natural and added sugars and exploring their impact on our health.


We’ll also uncover some eye-opening truths about marketing and misleading labels that can trick you into consuming more sugar than you realize. From historical perspectives on sugar to its role in our diets today, we’re taking a comprehensive look at how this sweet ingredient has shaped our lives.


But that’s not all—we’re also tackling the serious issue of sugar and chronic diseases. Discover the cultural differences in sugar consumption and how these habits impact our daily lives. Plus, get actionable tips on reducing sugar intake and learn why choosing whole foods over processed options can make a world of difference for your health!


What you'll hear in this episode:

[0:40] Understanding natural vs. added sugars

[1:30] Impact of different sugars on health

[3:20] Choosing healthier sugar alternatives

[7:00] Marketing and misleading labels

[11:50] Historical perspectives on sugar

[12:45] The role of sugar in diets

[13:20] Historical perspectives on sugar

[13:45] Sugar and chronic diseases

[16:00] Cultural differences in sugar consumption

[18:10] Reducing sugar intake

[21:45] Impact of sugar on daily life

[25:10] Choosing whole foods over processed foods


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* Order your copy of my book, Owning the Wait, now! jilliantedesco.co