Today, Jackie and I will talk about how to make social impact through community advocacy.

Most Americans live within a few miles of a Superfund site.

Jackie’s calling to action to start tackling the cleanup of this Superfund site and many more

Revealed what doctors couldn’t about Jackie's family’s health while earning a degree in Environmental Sciences.

Big misconception many Americans have about water

Grassroots organizing, community engagement and education

One of the primary elements that Jackie was learning is if your environment is making you sick, you're not going to be the only one; it's also going to be impacting your neighbor's health or their animal's health.

Understanding where your water sources, the differences are, and questions you can ask your provider

The Power of Collective Voices



You can find Jackie at:


Instagram: @tx.hea

Facebook: @TXHEA

You can find me on: 


INSTAGRAM +TWITTER + Facebook: @saharpaz  

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