In this episode, we are speaking with Author, Liz Long. In 1968, Liz Long's life took a tragic turn when a close family member, Lynda White, went missing, pushing six-year-old Liz into a shitstorm of epic proportions. Five agonizing years later, Lynda's body was discovered. Her case stands as one of Canada's longest unsolved crimes.

At fifty-eight, Liz confronted her adult depression by checking into an inpatient treatment center for healing. With unwavering grit and a touch of humor, Liz untangled the complexities of her past, realizing that childhood coping mechanisms were never meant to be permanent.

Now, at the forefront of mental health advocacy, Liz shares her journey and introduces the world to “Victimtown” through her book, Navigating Shitstorms: How to Find Your True Path When Life Gets Rough. In this poignant narrative, she creates spaces like The Control Factory, The Guilt & Shame Café, The Denial Trails, and more, inspiring others to confront their own storms, discover resilience within and find their way to Freedomville.

In this episode, we discuss:

1)  Liz shared her story of the shitty life circle, how we cannot control what happens to us, we can’t stop shit from happening, but we can learn how to respond better to what is happening to us, that is where we take our power back and how we move out of Victimtown as Liz calls it.

2) Childhood Coping Mechanisms Are Not Meant to be Permanent: Liz emphasizes the importance of recognizing that the coping mechanisms developed during childhood were adaptive responses to specific situations. However, these strategies might not serve us well in adulthood, and understanding this can be a crucial step toward personal growth and mental health.

Connect with Liz

Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Storytelling NLP Trainer, Speaker, Publisher & Author, 2xs Podcaster

Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”.  She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has been published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories. 

Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life.  She empowers people how to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.