In this episode, we speak with CEO, Founder, and Master Instructor, Dave Albin.  Dave was born in 1954 at Queen of Angles Hospital in Hollywood, California to a single mother. He was adopted by his Aunt and uncle on his mother’s side at the age of 5. His adoptive parents told Dave they were not his parents at 11 years old. Later that year both his adoptive parents started drinking. This is where Dave’s life took a hard turn. Dave tried alcohol at the age of 12. By the time he was 14, he was experimenting with hard drugs. Grossly addicted to drugs and alcohol he joined AA some 20 years later in June 1988. This is when Dave was introduced to the personal development industry. He attended a seminar with Tony Robbins in 1995 where he did his first firewalk. Dave went on to work for Tony Robbins for just shy of 20 years as Tony’s Firewalk Captain. Dave retired from the Anthony Robbins Companies in 2014 shortly after GOOGLE hired him to put on an event for them in Mountain View, California Corp Headquarters. Firewalk Productions, LLC was born in 2014. 

Dave has done gigs for NASA, Heineken, The Entrepreneurs Organization (EO), RE Max, Chick-fil-A, Pruvit, Google, NI, NC Chiropractic Association, Wayne Dyer, T Harv Eker, CRISP Video, Tony Robbins and many others. Dave currently lives in the Appalachian Mountains in Ashe County North Carolina.

In this episode, we discuss:

1) Dave’s experience with Firewalking, how it changed his life, and how it led him to work with Tony Robbins for over 2 decades and then to run his own Firewalk Adventures for business owners, executives, and entrepreneurs.

2) Dave openly shares his back story, the years of addiction, his sobriety journey, and how he has conditioned himself to focus and live in gratitude.  Fear and gratitude cannot occupy the same space and learning to see the story differently is how you change the story.

Connect with Dave
Email: [email protected]

Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Author, Speaker, and Life Coach
Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”.  She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse far past the level of normal experimentation.

Through her programs, coaching, and live events for women, Marsha is on a mission to teach you how to “Own Your Choices” in your own life.  She teaches women how to own their stories, lead themselves, and pay it forward to others by creating businesses that serve, support, and impact others