Katherine and Nick North are masters of clear and honest communication — with 5 kids, 3 businesses, a documentary in progress, and a brand new puppy, they have to be! When it comes to owning your relationships (romantic and otherwise), I couldn’t think of a better couple to have on the podcast. From Nick’s transition into life as a man, to changing their names and blending their families, to avoiding burnout and creating “big, bodacious, beautiful boundaries,” these two have so many incredible stories to share.

“Part of being human and walking around with an open heart means that sometimes we get our hearts broken open. I think that accepting that as part of the deal, in some ways, is the fastest road to peace.”

In this episode, you’ll hear all about:

What true partnership looks like, from the little things to the really, really big ones The “number system” Katherine and Nick created to stop fighting about things that didn’t matter — and fight harder for the things that do The lessons Nick learned from his transition (Spoiler: “We are all terrified. We’re all trying to figure out how to be ourselves in the least painful way possible.”) Katherine’s revelatory Queen Sweep program — for disorganized people, by a disorganized person

Katherine and Nick, I cannot thank you enough for coming onto the show and giving us a peek into your world. Thanks also to everyone listening, reviewing, and sharing the show with your friends. See you next week!