Ep. 52 Zuly Sanguino: No Arms, No Legs, No Limits (Sin Brazos, Sin Piernas, Sin Limites)  In English and Spanish (En Ingles y Espanol)

The first ever bilingual interview on Overcoming Graduation! 

Born without arms or legs as a result of a condition called Phocomelia, Zuly Sanguino faced challenges in her life that most of us can't even begin to imagine. It began when her father committed suicide when Zuly was very young, leaving her mom to care for the family all by herself. Then she dealt with bullying and abuse from not just students at school but also the teachers. On top of all of this, she began being sexually abused and raped by a family member at the age of 4 until she was 12. All of this pushed her to attempt to commit suicide but one day, something amazing happened and everything changed. Now, Zuly uses her story and her art to change people's lives and touch their hearts. 

In spite of all the challenges she faced, Zuly is now an accomplished artist, using her mouth to paint incredible works of art, a motivational speaker, and a person who travels the world speaking at businesses, prisons, schools, and churches telling everyone, "If I can overcome what I did, you can too!" 

In today's interview, Zuly will discuss: 

- The challenges she faced growing up in poverty in Columbia without arms of legs

- How she was able to overcome bullying, sexual abuse, and rape to travel the world and inspire people with her incredible story

- How one person can be the "angel" that saves another's life

- Why no matter what life throws at you, you can overcome anything 

- How to pursue your dreams no matter what life throws your way

And so much more! 


To learn more about Zuly visit the links below:


Zuly's Facebook Page 

A video about Zuly and her life


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