Fear is a little tricky emotion.  It can hinder us. It can paralyze us. It can keep us from being all of who God has called us to be. It can convince us that shrinking is being humble. For the longest, I hoped that I would get to a place in my life where I would never have to confront or struggle with fear ever again.

But is it possible that a small dose of fear could actually be a good thing?   In this episode I am challenging us to rethink what we have learned about fear, how it can actually be beneficial to us, and what I do when fear comes knocking on my door.

Season 5 is a wrap!!! The OTB podcast is going on break. I will be using this time to work on some exciting new projects ahead that I cannot wait to share with you. 

I live for robust conversations and connections. Please sign up for my newsletter below so we can stay connected while the podcast is on pause.

Thank you for your support these past 5 seasons, I could not have done it without you.

Mentioned in this episode:
Have you thought about starting a podcast? Check out my podcasting coach and her podcasting community:  https://alanadawson.com/

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