Have you grown accustomed to lowering your expectations?  Leaning into the lies that you're too old, you've made too many mistakes, or that your past is too messy for you to be who God has called you to be?  My guest, Michelle Clausell, is tackling those lies head on in today's episode. Michelle's life experiences is proof that God's grace prevails over all and it's a restorer. He will return back to us what we've thought we lost and more.

It is not too late to start a new adventure--to give your yes to God and watch what he does in your life. Michelle and I also chat about:

Grace defined: what does it look like in our every day life?Learning to relinquish controlHow God's grace will be with us even through detoursHow we can lean into God's grace instead of striving to earn it

About Michelle Clausell:
I am the mother of three daughters, GiGi to four, and married to my husband for 24 years.  My passion is creating content to encourage women on their journey of life, I host a FB Group for this reason. I am also in ministry at my local church.

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Mentioned in this episode:
Listen to Michelle's Podcast here: https://open.spotify.com/show/3lE5sLChQzCLXbdMa4tL68?si=877c95f98d134cb7