Do you know the value of positive thinking but just can’t seem to shift out of negative thinking? This coaching session is about expectations and shifting negative patterns. During this call, we examine Danielle’s past to understand what formed her current expectations and get to the root of why she is sabotaging herself in relationships.


[For show notes go here:]


Any habituated response, feeling, or pattern of behavior you are currently engaged in was created a long time ago and you created it for a reason. If you really want to shift something you must get curious about the origin of it.


Your expectations about what could or could not happen in your present or future life are based on what has happened in your past until you consciously choose to update them. Significant life events and/or repetitive events trigger us to form beliefs. These beliefs cause us to form expectations about life, others, and ourselves which impact our present and create our future.


And, any “negative” pattern we want to change has a payoff and usually can’t be changed overnight. That’s why it is important that we learn what the payoff is and learn how to get it in a more positive way.


While it’s important not to become a victim in your life or be stuck in your story so much so that your past becomes an excuse or scapegoat for why you don’t have what you want, it is important to acknowledge it and understand how it is impacting you.


Stefanos and I created a series of eight prescriptive breathwork and meditation tracks you can use anytime. If you order by January 15, 2021, get $30 off your purchase at when you enter code “HOLIDAY”.


Your beloved exists. Start cultivating the relationship now by signing up for the upcoming Be the Queen program. It includes live sessions and one-on-one support. Go to and read the testimonials. Starting January 24, 2021. Sign up now to get access to the bonus session on January 14th.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

Are you a negative thinker? Do you tend to sabotage things before they even get started? Is anxiety something you would like to feel less of? Do you desire a healthy, loving relationship? Are you the child of immigrants?


Danielle’s Question:

Danielle would like to know how to relieve herself of self-imposed anxiety and negative thinking in relationships and dating.


Danielle’s Key Insights and Ahas:

She has become comfortable with her negative thinking. She creates a frenzy inside of her. Her parents got divorced. She has fun memories of her childhood. She saw her parents fighting. She feels she needs to protect herself from being caught off guard. She used her negative thinking as a shield to feel safe but it also keeps love out. She is always in fight-or-flight mode. She is a first-generation Cuban American. She found her life coach through prayer and intention. She will change her inner dialogue.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

Identify her negative thinking, thank it for protecting her and ask her mind to help her to determine a true statement for what is happening. Consider attending the upcoming Personal Mastery Course and the Signature Retreat. Work with a healer to do some energetic bodywork. Cut some cords energetically.



Be aware of what you affirm with your thoughts. Get curious about your past. What were the repetitive events or significant life events in your past that cause your expectations and how are they affecting your life now? Anything you would label as negative or a pattern you want to change, identify the payoff, and find a way to get that payoff in a more positive way. Always approach your growth, development, and healing with love and curiosity. Don’t be afraid to reach out for support. If you resonated with a lot of what came up in this coaching session, my Personal Mastery Course would be a great next step for you.



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