This call is about recognizing competing intentions and forgiveness. Today’s caller, Michelle, is facing challenges when calling in a partner, her person, someone to share her life with. A childhood wound regarding trust keeps repeating because she has not healed it yet. Even if you are not single, this call has something in it for you. We work through blocks when it comes to trusting people, and competing intentions.


[For show notes, go here:]


When we have competing intentions, we have a longing and a desire. Yet, we also have protective strategies of “I may get hurt.” It is the intention that is keeping you protected that will win. This is why we feel like we are sabotaging ourselves. We keep repeating the same pattern over and over again.


The angrier we are, the better we are at protecting ourselves. The more we keep the wall up. Remember, when we forgive, it’s not about condoning actions or forgiving the actions that hurt us. It is about forgiving the misunderstandings and misperceptions and misbeliefs we bought into, based on what happened.


The power of your desire, the power of what you want IS powerful. Don't think it cannot bring you what you want. You have to look at what is blocking it. One of the best ways we can protect ourselves from future hurts is to heal our past hurts.


In December, I am offering the next round of personal development grant money. The grant money can be used for mental or emotional therapy, coaching, or anything that enhances your emotional wellbeing. To sign up to receive $500 go to


If you are a single lady who wants to be in a relationship, to share your life with someone, and want to call in your match, your person, sign up for the upcoming Be the Queen program. It includes live sessions and one-on-one support. Go to and read the testimonials. Get early-bird bonuses if you sign up by December 14, 2020.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

Do you have a similar expectation hangover happening repeatedly? Are you aware of a childhood wound and know it impacts your life, but you can’t seem to shift it? Are you single and want to be with a partner, your person, especially, after this challenging year? Do you have trouble trusting people, especially when it comes to the opposite sex?


Michelle’s Question:

Michelle wants to find someone to share her life with, her person.


Michelle’s Key Insights and Ahas:

Her brother passed away unexpectedly. She is the youngest of five children from a big family. She’s never been married but wants to find someone to share life with. She has a broken heart about her family breaking up. Her father left her mother for another woman. She believes she can’t trust people and attracts men she can’t trust. She has put up a wall around her heart. She may have low self-worth and a rough inner critic. She has been in therapy. She has competing intentions. She is angry and feels she needs to protect herself. Her feminine desire is being blocked by masculine anger.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

Find a way to protect herself in a healthy way. Speak with her younger self about releasing her anger. Realize she doesn’t have to trust every person, just one who is worthy. Forgive herself for what she made her father’s actions mean. Reparent herself by acknowledging her father isn’t representative of all men. Start trusting herself. Believe she can have a healthy, happy relationship.



Consider what your competing intentions are. Is there something you want in your life but what is the protective block you have that is keeping you from getting it? Get to the source of your issue. Remember, with forgiveness, you are not forgiving the actions, you are forgiving the misunderstandings and limiting beliefs you bought into, based on the action. If today's episode resonated with you, re-listen to it. If you want to apply to the Be the Queen program in January, go to



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