This episode is about breaking childhood patterns. Today’s caller, Jasmine, feels trapped in her current situation. She feels she has to stick it out at her job because it is her only option. But, as you will hear in this call, it is not her only option. In fact, what she thinks is her only option is only keeping her in a lifetime of an enduring pattern that isn’t giving her what she wants and isn’t opening her up to all the amazing opportunities that could come her way when she becomes untrapped.

[For show notes go here:]

A trapped feeling is comfortable and familiar but it also can put you into overwhelm. And when we are in overwhelm all of our childhood survival strategies, the things we had to do to adapt to our environment in order to feel safe, come into effect. As a child, if you had to endure neglect, chaos, and lack of love and support in order to get any crumbs of love from your parents, you may be playing out the same situation as an adult.

● Do you ever stick things out or suffer because you think you have to?

● Did you have parents who didn’t parent you?

● When it comes to uncertainty, do you stay in comfortable or familiar situations even if you are not happy or fulfilled rather than take a risk that has unknown consequences?

Jasmine’s Question:

Jasmine is in a job that is wrong for her. She feels trapped and overwhelmed and would like guidance on setting boundaries and how to find joy.

Jasmine’s Key Insights and Ahas:

● She feels she isn’t worthy of having it all.

● She found her soul family in her adopted country.

● One of her parents had an addiction and the other, mental health issues.

How to Get Over It and On With It:

● She needs to move past the energetic pattern of feeling trapped and not feeling worthy.

● She needs to lean into her faith and spiritual belief.

● She needs support and love and to find a therapist.


● Think about what your pattern is when you are in overwhelm or when you feel trapped; try to evolve the pattern and dance with uncertainty.

● If there is a situation you feel trapped in, get creative.

● Consider joining my Mastery course for monthly group coaching

Sponsors: Organifi— is an organic superfood supplement line that makes quality, trusted nutrition convenient and acceptable. Their Turmeric Gold is delicious. It’s a warm drink with turmeric, coconut milk, cinnamon, ginger, lemon balm, and mushrooms blended together.  It helps me relax and sleep better. For 20% off your order use the code ‘OVERIT’ to receive 20% off your order.

Resources: Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community.

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