Being “busy” seems to be a way we identify ourselves.  We run ourselves ragged trying to meet the expectations of our bosses, our colleagues, and our families. We begin to put our needs aside in favor of what others want. To compensate for not practicing self-love, we wear our busyness as a badge of honor, which only seems to distract us from the lack of balance in our lives. We run the risk of having our children believe that stress equals success.

The distracting device which is busyness cannot go on forever. We start to tear apart at the seams. Our inner self is crying out for attention and it becomes rebellious in order to get what it needs. While it looks for compensation, we are moving on to the next thing. Feeding this longing will serve us better than if we try to push right through.

Fulfillment will not find us until we stop, refuel and rebalance as part of a daily practice. Until we stop doing and start being.

Today’s caller, Gulsen, is a very logical and analytical person. She feels motivated only when she is accountable to others.  When she gets home she’s finding it difficult to DO anything. Most intelligent people have a problem with just being so. I guide her through establishing behaviors that will get her where she wants to go.

Get started on your 40-day commitment to yourself by putting one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly. Take deep breaths and bring all of your awareness to your breaths. Imagine you have a volume control in your head and that the volume control represents all of the chatter that is going through your head. Then while breathing, turn the volume down. Listen to this podcast to hear my entire guided meditation.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

Are you addicted to busyness? Do you wear it like a badge of honor? Do you feel you should always be doing something? Are you pinpoint on some things but completely give up on other things due to lack of motivation? Is your self-worth measured by how much you are doing?


Gulsen’s Question:

Gulsen wants to know why being at home drains her typically motivated and inspired nature.


Gulsen’s Key Insights and Aha’s:

She pushes herself to the edge  She distracts herself with busyness Her worth and her value come from being, not doing


How to get over it and on with it:

She should make a sanctuary in her home to sit in stillness Trust herself when she is just being She should connect with love every day for 40 days


Tools and Takeaways:

Take an inventory of your life Forgive yourself for the misunderstanding that busyness makes you successful Commit to a 40-day practice of meditation or presencing



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Christine Hassler

@christinhassler on twitter

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[email protected]

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