Criticism seems to have the stickiness factor of super glue and compliments seem to be coated in oil. We allow hurtful things to play over and over in our heads like a broken record, especially when the recording came from a parent or an authority figure. 

We create patterns out of the programming we receive when we are very young. These patterns stay with us throughout our lives until we reprogram ourselves. We can default to these patterns when dealing with situations and we tend to sabotage ourselves with fear instead of motivating ourselves with affirmations. We treat ourselves as others have treated us, instead of how we want to be treated.

If you have a vision to impact other people’s lives, make sure you have saved yourself and let down your own walls first. In order to be transparent, authentic and true, you should become your own best client. How you do anything is how you do everything. 

Today’s conversation with Rich is a lesson in how not to be a victim. Rich has wanted to create a deep emotional impact in people’s lives for some time. He started his own coaching practice over a year ago, and is finding it difficult to deal with the pressure, from his family, to provide for his soon-to-be bride.

For a refresher on this topic, listen to my How to Drop Your Story Coaches Corner. I release my new Coaches Corner episodes every Saturday.  

Online business owners: if you are looking to execute at your highest level, I am a believer and affiliate of Marie Forleo’s B-School. B-School is an 8-week video course, which teaches smart, effective online marketing strategies. If you sign up for the program through my personal link, CH B-School, in addition to the B-School program, I will assist you in the ability to remove your inner blocks with:

Four 90-minute live group coaching calls for business and personal aspects Access to a private Facebook group Four custom meditations and visualizations Access to my online programs and courses


Consider/Ask Yourself:

Are you suffering because you cannot identify your purpose? Is there a person in your life who is struggling to find their purpose? Do you push them to find their purpose or try to find it for them? Do you feel worthy and deserving inside? Does your self-confidence or lack thereof, impact your results? Is someone else’s voice inside your head? Do you need to banish it?


Rich’s Question:

Rich would like to know how to get over his fear and anxiety to follow through with his goal of becoming a coach. He wants to overcome his limiting beliefs from his past, which may be blocking his future success. 


Rich’s Key Insights and Aha’s:

He doesn’t feel worthy or deserving He has fear-based influences His anger and sadness have never been fully released His biggest blocks are his beliefs and unresolved hurts


How to get over it and on with it:

Rich should forgive himself and his stepfather He needs to find his fire and his passion He should work past his fear of rejection He can coach himself through this issue


Tools and Takeaways:

Write down your limiting beliefs and figure out who owns the voice Move into compassion for anyone who programmed your thoughts Write a letter to give an unwelcome belief back to the person who gave it to you Be honest about the emotional walls you have put up and be committed to taking them down Set two chairs up and carry out your own therapy session



Christine Hassler

Expectation Hangover

@christinhassler on twitter

@christinehassler on Instagram

[email protected]

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