Golden Nuggets For the Over 40 Crowd

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Jenn Trepeck - Salad With A Side Of Fries Podcast
Social Media Handle: @JennTrepeck

Welcome to our podcast today where we will be interviewing fellow health coach and podcaster, Jenn Trepeck from Salad With A Side Of Fries. Today we'll be discussing Jenn's golden nuggets for helping the over-40 crowd, including her simple calorie burner trick that requires the use of your Soleus muscle.

Segment 1: About Jenn Trepeck
In this segment, we introduce Jenn Trepeck and ask her to tell us about herself, her background, and what inspired her to become a health coach and start her podcast, Salad With A Side Of Fries.

Segment 2: Jenn's Golden Nuggets for the Over 40 Crowd
In this segment, we dive into Jenn's tips for helping the over 40 crowd, including how to maintain a healthy weight, stay active, and feel energized. Jenn shares her top three golden nuggets and explains how they work:

Segment 3: Jenn's Simple Calorie Burner Trick
In this segment, we focus on Jenn's simple calorie burner trick in more detail. Jenn explains how to locate your Soleus muscle, how to activate it, and how to incorporate it into your daily routine to burn more calories and stay active.

We hope you enjoyed our interview with Jenn Trepeck from Salad With A Side Of Fries and learned some valuable tips for staying healthy and active as you age. Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast and leave us a review if you enjoyed this episode. Thanks for listening!

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at [email protected] or visit my website at

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at