Mike Hayes is an expert in the medical sales industry and has worked for top companies including Johnson & Johnson, Glaxo, Novartis and Merck. Mike is also the host of the Get Hired In Medical Sales podcast.


In this episode, Mike tells us how field salespeople can develop a long-term career plan, as well as tips he has for field salespeople who are looking to network and build a group of influential connections.


Here are some topics covered in this episode:


How salespeople can stay up-to-date on new sales trends and work on their sales skills
What role mentorship plays in a salesperson’s career
How salespeople can assess whether or not it’s time to look for new sales job opportunities
What all salespeople should do daily to become more successful


More From the Guest:

Get Hired in Medical Sales Podcast: http://www.gethiredinmedicalsales.com/podcast.html 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-hayes-827a8792 


Listen to more episodes of the Outside Sales Talk here!



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