If you could go back and have a conversation with your 20 year old self, what would you say? They say hindsight is 20/20, and while I may not be able to go back in time, maybe my message and story can help the 20 year old Trishas listening to this podcast, or even the ones in your life. I see you all as family, and I hope to bring some much needed encouragement to you in whatever age, stage, or season you find yourself in during this episode. It’s never too late, even if you’re not 20, chances are life has taught you many lessons that have built your character, and now it’s time to pay those lessons forward. 

So let’s dive in and have some fun. This is an important message to my 20 year old self.

Things you will learn in this episode:

[00:01 – 03:40] Opening Segment

Welcome back to the show! A reminder that I see you all as family Reach out to me - I want to hear from you  [email protected]  A question of what you would say to your 20 year old self  Looking back on some of my experiences  The start of my ‘Out of the Fire’  An encouragement to look at your own message

[03:41 – 18:14] An Important Message to My 20 Year Old Self

Start giving yourself grace  There will always be curveballs, just prepare yourself We don’t need to beat ourselves up Remember to rest Life is the best education  Everything you go through builds character  If you are willing to learn, you will grow Remember your story will help someone else one day Remember to laugh  Stress vs. laughter  Don’t take things so seriously  Find the moments to laugh at even after crying Your inner circle WILL change - Find your 5 It’s normal to gain and lose friends Every season prepares you for the next  Look around and pay attention to the people around you Let people help you!  Always be growing Spiritually, mentally, physically Growth is where we find our power Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable  This is what strong relationships are built on Accepting the ugliness of ourselves is how we heal We are all really the same

[18:15 – 22:53] Closing Segment

Stop shaming yourself  “You are good enough!” Use the words you use for yourself wisely Re-check your 5 Let’s apply our wisdom to our younger selves now Write down what you would say to your younger self You have the power to change your circumstance Share, review, and reach out! Final words of encouragement


Tweetable Quotes:

“Give yourself grace… No matter what you’re planning there is always going to be a curveball.” - Trisha Fraley

“No matter what you do, it’s not a mistake if you’re learning from it… If you’re willing to learn, it will build character.” - Trisha Fraley

“Always be growing… Find a way to always grow spiritually, mentally, physically - if you’re not growing you’re dying… Growth is where we find our power.” - Trisha Fraley

Resources Mentioned: 

The Go-Giver


Join me and my guests as we illustrate how to walk through the fires of life and come out the other side more resilient, passionate, and stronger than ever before. Connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Become part of the community and join our Group. Want to learn more about me? Visit https://trishafraley.com/trishafraley

I want to know more about you! Email me at [email protected]

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