Did the holidays put a dent in your financial position? Is COVID challenging your financial legacy and changing your financial plans? How are you overcoming this?

In this episode, we have invited Jackie Porter, a financial expert who is a highly recognized financial planner and financial advisor. She will be sharing why and how having money conversation is so critical. She provides insight to when she started to have these critical conversations and how she has made it her mission to help others to have the money conversation comfortably. Her vision is to create a community that feels inspired, engaged, and encouraged to build their financial IQ one conversation at a time! 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jackieportercfp

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/askjackieporter/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackieportercfp

Website: https://AskJackie.ca

What's your Financial IQ Survey https://askjackie.ca/whats-your-financial-iq/

Legacy toolbox - A file organizer to safely store and organize your important documents in one place https://t.co/kHc1IJTlhI?amp=1


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Credits: Music by MusicalLivesInc, you can find them on YouTube


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