October is national depression and health screening month: Did you know that 20% of family CG experience it?  That is 2x the rate of the rest of the population! why?

October is national depression and health screening month. Did you know that 20% of family CG experience it.  That is 2x the rate of the rest of the population! Some causes: limited socialization, lack of touch, isolation, and stress.    https://screening.mhanational.org/screening-tools/depression/?ref=CAN
The one you are caring for may also be experiencing depression and is definitely at risk for experiencing it.  They are more likely to face the risk factors that lead to depression due to life changes they feel out of control of, loss of independence, lack of socialization and getting out of the house with friends or engaging in hobbies, lack of exercise, etc . 
1. Impact of isolation: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-58297-9. Depressive symptoms are associated with less social interaction, being with other depressed people, lacking group interactions, less time with friends. Research shows that social isolation increases the risk for coronary heart disease, stroke, and mortality,  and can negatively influence psychological health leading to depressive symptom
2. Importance of touch in avoiding depression and dealing with depression: FROM ARTICLE https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/touch-starved#complications

*affectionate touch promotes psychological well-being. * touch can also reduce the feeling of loneliness *Research also notes that those who report loneliness show dampened cognitive function and a higher chance of experiencing mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. So, if you aren’t around people you probably aren’t getting enough physical human contact. Are you getting what your body needs?  Too much cortisol, caused by stress, can cause: 

AnxietyDepressionDigestive problemsHeadachesMuscle tension and painHeart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure and strokeSleep problemsWeight gainMemory and concentration impairment

Oxyctocin is a neurotransmitter that acts like a hormone and it is released that is the counterbalance to cortisol.  And guess what?  It is released most potently with touch.   We were created with the most effective tools to combat stress: skin and the ability to touch.  So what can you do right now to minimize you and your partner’s risk for depression:   1. Minimize isolation : Find time to be with people.  Connect in person.  Find time to get out or have friends come over.  Avoid isolation.  This includes while being with your partner.  Use your partner as a source of deep connection.  Make your relationship meaningful beyond your current role.  Serve each other. 2. Touch/interact using affective touch that helps your brain to release oxytocin, the hormone that combats cortisol, the stress hormone.   

It is important to seek the help you need to stay healthy, taking care of your mental health needs to be a priority or you will not be able to provide the most effective caregiving.  Talk to your doctor about stress and depression.  

Make time every day for your mental health

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