I wanted to take a moment today to answer a question that I’m asked frequently by new agents: “Should I become a buyer’s agent or a listing agent?”

I don’t think there’s a specific, correct answer to that question. As a new agent, I think it’s important that you learn the buying and the listing side of the business so you can become more of a well-rounded professional. The psychology behind a seller is much different than the psychology behind a buyer. I also think that the easiest way to see scale and see early success in your business is through focusing on both sides of the transaction.

“After you’ve learned both sides, then you can decide what you want your business to be.”

I know that when you get into the industry, everybody’s always talking about listings. Listings, listings, listings. You’ve got to list to last, etc. While I don’t disagree with that, I will say that focusing on buyers and sellers allows you to learn both sides of the business. That’s really important as a new agent.

After you’ve learned both sides, you can decide for yourself what you want your business to be about. I actually find that the top agents on our team end up working a 50/50 split between buyer and seller transactions each year.

If you are thinking about making a change in your career or want to advance your real estate career further, I would love to sit down and have coffee sometime and discuss your career and where you want it to be. Just give me a call or send me an email. I would love to hear from you soon.