If you would like to take your business to the next level, you will need to do listing lead generation. Inventory is at an all-time low and buyers are coming out of the woodwork, which means getting listings is more important than ever. 

But this is easier said than done, as obtaining listings today is a much more challenging pursuit than it was in the past. The good news is that there are several low-cost lead generation opportunities that, with patience and daily focus, will be sure to help take your business to the next level. Today I will be highlighting three of these lead generation options. 

1. Outbound dialing. This is an absolute no-brainer and something our team has focused on since day one. Expired listings, FSBO listings, just-listed properties, and just-sold properties all make for great prospecting opportunities. With consistent calling and effort, you are guaranteed to generate listing leads from these sources. Best of all, there are a number of software programs available that can make outbound dialing extremely simple. 

“Homeowners who see the kind of work you put into your business will view this as a preview for what you could do for their listing in the future.”

2. Database and sphere of influence referrals. As you likely already know, your past clients and sphere of influence are some of the best sources for listing business. I recommend trying a script similar to the following when asking for referrals: “Hello Mr./Mrs. Past Client, this is Tom from the Nickley Group and I’m really glad I got ahold of you. I have a really, really aggressive goal of helping 30 families buy or sell a home this year, but the problem is that the market’s very challenging. There’s just not enough inventory. So I was just calling to see who you know or have talked to that’s thinking about listing their home in the near future.” This is the exact script my team has used over and over again, and we consistently take listings and get referrals by using it. 

3. Open houses. People tend to associate open houses with buyer leads, but they can actually be a great source of listing leads, as well. Throwing a neighbors-only preview prior to the actual open house, for example, can connect you with homeowners who may be thinking of selling in the future and gives you the chance to meet future sellers. When you go the extra mile, people will notice. Doing a lot of door knocking is another great way to find leads. Homeowners who see the kind of work you put into your business will view this as a preview for what you could do for their listing in the future. 

If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.