Hello there and welcome to the Open Our Bibles Together podcast! I am so happy you are here and joining me today as we once again continue our studies in the book of Genesis. BUUTTT can we just pause to take a moment to celebrate the big 4-O?? Well, OOBT’s 40th episode anyway! LOL!   I am super humbled and oh so very excited to still be studying alongside each one of you … now 40 episodes later… so so good! OK, enough of that…how about we set down our confetti to now return our attention to Joseph and his father Jacob.   We start off our studies today with Jacob responding to God’s calling with these words…. “Here I am.” Wow. How touching that God chooses to lean in at this very moment to speak reassurances to Jacob as he is packing up + setting out with his family and belongings to make the 450-mile journey to Egypt. The God With Jacob is the same God With Us today. Beautiful. Just beautiful my friends.