Hey there!   M here checking in with all of my absolute favorite Bible study partners as we take a deep dive together into Genesis 43-45 in this episode release of the OOBT podcast.   Truthfully, where should we even begin as there is so much found in these three chapters tucked near the middle of Joseph’s story… With that in mind, how about we start by considering some of the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of these brothers on that trip back to Egypt and even on the way to Joseph’s palace. There is so much depth, and humanness lying beneath the surface of these stories found on the pages of our Bibles.   And then there is this statement of truth… with God, there is always a meanwhile.   Let’s repeat that to ourselves one more time to make sure we settle these words in the depths of our souls…. God is ALWAYS working… in the meanwhile.   God’s hand of faithfulness and goodness was there even when Joseph couldn’t understand it. No matter the situations we face in life, if there is one thing that Joseph’s story seems to be showing us on repeat is that God is always up to something in the meanwhile moments of our lives. Now that is most certainly something to be grateful for in praise and worship to God – in the good times + in our suffering.     Thank You, God, for Your Meanwhile.   For the full episode show notes, please go to https://mfahring.com/genesis-43-45/